Are you attracted to someone you work with, Scorpio? This is not the time to act on it. It’s possible that you are displaying your emotions a bit too openly, which could cause anxiety for your friend and may even lead to the opposite of what you want. Let the relationship grow and be patient. You may find that your feelings are mutual.

You can never have too much laughter in your daily life. Laughter stimulates your energy and clears away any pressure stored in your lower chakras. You can actively seek out situations where laughter is a key component. If you’re a movie lover, you may find that you enjoy comedies more than scary films. If you have children in your home, playing with them can be a great source of laughter. There’s no better medicine than laughter!

You might feel excited when considering the options available today. You may suddenly find yourself at the center of attention due to the energy you are experiencing. This is not surprising, as it may be your natural position. It’s surprising, isn’t it? There are so many potential partners willing to adore and love you. It’s so perfect.

“Try just feeling happy. You can make yourself do it — even if just for a few seconds. Pretend you’re enjoying life and then voila — life will look and feel different. It’s not about faking it. It’s about understanding that only you can control your feelings.”

Colors of the day: Sea Green, Light Blue

Lucky Numbers of the day: 1, 6

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: P, S

Cosmic Tip: Try to divide the joy that you will receive today amongst your closed ones. This will help you understand the true meaning of fun

Tips for Singles: Love will find its way to you. Just be patient.

Tips for Couples: Don’t be surprised if your partner arranges a nice little date for you. Just go with the flow.

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