Family members who are important to you can make your home a more welcoming and comfortable place, Taurus. You may need to spend a lot of time beautifying your home to receive genuine compliments. However, your current partner may not be able to join you due to unforeseen circumstances. If possible, enjoy the visit with your family and ask them to come back when your partner is available.

Being your true self is easy nowadays. Your relationship with yourself isn’t difficult. However, it can sometimes be challenging to have a good one with someone else. So, focus on yourself: your relationship with yourself is the most important one in your entire life, and you must take it seriously. This is more evident than in the way you eat. Do you give yourself the same respect as you would to your most significant person?

Although you’re used to unexpected events, today may surprise you – particularly if your search for the perfect person has been intense. It is possible that you will fall victim to love at first sight. If you are involved with saving whales or are a member of an oppressed minority, you will feel like putty in their arms.

“Try just feeling happy. You can make yourself do it — even if just for a few seconds. Pretend you’re enjoying life and then voila — life will look and feel different. It’s not about faking it. It’s about understanding that only you can control your feelings.”

Colors of the day: Navy Blue, Teal

Lucky Numbers of the day: 5, 6

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: D, V

Cosmic Tip: There is no shortcut to success.

Tips for Singles: While time will heal, you need to venture back into the dating zone.

Tips for Couples: Let go of the past instead of bringing it into every argument.

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