Scorpio, new spiritual revelations might just have got you both excited and sad in your personal life. Your empathic side believes that this is a significant step forward in your spiritual path, but your logical portion is dubious. Take comfort in the fact that reality is arbitrary, and what you’re experiencing is, perhaps at the least, true for you. Then continue on your journey. Maintain a focus on the basics while striving higher. Set your own expectations.

Do you suffer from chronic low back pain? Extended durations of sitting work may result in back and neck discomfort. It’s time to start incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily routine. Your job duties cannot be reduced, but you can take measures to alleviate your back discomfort. Stretching relaxes your muscles and gives you more energy throughout the day. Take at least 10 minutes of your day to stretch.

Cultivate a strong sense of self-worth. No one should take you lightly. When it comes to your health, make no compromises. Stop putting someone else’s emotions ahead of your own everlasting rest. Relationships that are toxic will get you nowhere. Self-empowerment will bring about significant improvements in your life. Establish your boundaries and don’t allow anybody to reap the benefits of them. Make an effort to develop these characteristics. This very day is all about finding and accepting your own unique blend of abilities and flaws.

“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f#ck on.”

Colors of the day : Yellow and dark blue

Lucky numbers of the day : 2 and 1

Lucky alphabets you will be in sync with : U and J

Cosmic tip : Be ready to welcome the blossoming.

Tip for singles : Do not be needy.

Tip for couples : Have confidence in your partner.

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