A setback in your career may have left you feeling confused, Scorpio. It could be modern equipment. Do not panic; it is temporary. Things will get better. It should be easy to fix with your own perseverance, efficiency, and practical skills. You are likely feeling optimistic about the future, and you won’t lose that optimism anytime soon.

Today’s planet alignment will bring out some expectations for your relationship that you should discuss with your partner and friends. Be aware of how you feel so you can identify the source of your emotions before making someone else responsible. This is not giving away your power. You have the best conversations when you are open to listening and taking no responsibility for others. Refrain from consuming refined sugar.

If you try to portray a happier version of yourself and your life in an effort to convince someone to date you then you may be making a mistake. Although the energy from the planets might encourage you to embellish, it is unlikely that they will ever discover the truth. But if you are truly attracted to them, they will not care.

“Everyone has doubts. Everyone freaks out about where they are in life. But that’s a good thing. You’re open to change and growth.”

LUCKY COLOR– Purple and Off-white



COSMIC TIP– Love the creator more than his creation.

SINGLES TIP– Work on your skills

COUPLES TIP– Day full of spark

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