Your social life can be exciting, upbeat, and energized today, dear Taurus. Networking stimulates all sorts of feelings now.

You’re looking for–or acting on– the inspiration for new ideas and goals. Mars with the Moon points to a desire to take action as well as increased motivation or courage to make your mark.

The day can be fun and spirited, and you may be excited about new long-term plans. Community-oriented or group activities can thrive, although they may be subject to surprises or up-and-down feelings.

The need for friendship can be stimulated, and existing connections can be nurtured, as long as freedom is honored.

A Venus-Pluto meeting boosts your partnerships or close friendships as you put a little more faith in one another and seem to gel on the important issues.

Connecting with your nearest and dearest is a breeze today. The joyful conversation between alluring Venus and amplifier Jupiter expands your affections for friends and lovers.

And while, on the one hand, you can never love someone too much, you also want to check in with yourself and be certain others are deserving of such admiration.

There is an emotional vulnerability to giving without reciprocity. Make sure to count yourself among your loved ones before you allocate all your resources somewhere else.

Two days after Mercury left your relationship sector, for the second time in six weeks, this has put you and your relationships in a win/win.

With Mercury gone Venus, the planet of love is now at the helm and will continue to steer and guide your relationships for the rest of the year.

Yet it was the 11 days that Mercury, the planet of communication spent back here that has given you a chance to ensure the communication lines are open. This is no longer the driving focus but is there when you need it.

Today’s Quote: “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but of appreciating what we do have.”

Lucky Numbers: 12, 18, 23, 31, 36, 47

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

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