On December 21st we welcome in Capricorn Season. Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign and is known for its hardworking, practical, and earthy energy.

Represented by the mountain goat, there is no path too treacherous and no slope too steep for the little goat to climb, and as the Sun moves into this position, we can all benefit from this hardworking energy.

The Sun’s move into Capricorn also marks the December Solstice and will guide us through the end of the calendar year. There are big changes on the horizon in the first part of 2019 too, and Capricorn is going to be the star of the show.

In fact, we will be working with the earthy energy of Capricorn in a big way for the next 18 months or so, as we have a string of Eclipses in Capricorn as well as some powerful and rare alignments all happening in Capricorn.

Getting used to the energy of Capricorn would be wise under this 2018 Capricorn season, as there are themes that will be revealed now which may join us for the years to come.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In ancient astrology, Saturn was considered a malefic planet. It was known for bringing hard challenges, authoritarian rule, and carried a dominating presence.

Saturn is known as the planet of restriction, rules, and law and order, which doesn’t exactly evoke the happiest images, however, its presence and energy in the cosmos is of extreme importance.

If we look at Saturn with a little more of an open mind, we can see that it brings challenges our way, but also gifts.

It is Saturn that brings longevity and commitment into our lives. It is Saturn that allows us to work hard so we can achieve our dreams. It is Saturn that keeps law and order in place so we can live in peace.

Saturn is there to help keep us focused and grounded on earth. On a deeper level, it represents the roots we need so we can reach the sky and access higher realms.

Whenever you feel like your spirituality and your everyday life on earth is not mixing, it is often a sign that your Saturn energy needs to be balanced. Either you need to get more grounded and assimilate back down to Earth, or you need to dig your roots in deeper so you can climb higher.

Even if you are not a Capricorn by birth, we all hold the energies of the 12 zodiac signs and the planets within us.

As we enter into Capricorn season, we can use this energy to prepare us for the year to come. We can use this energy to start thinking about our goals and visions for the future, and what we want to give longevity to in our lives.

Under this energy, we are also encouraged to reflect on our journey and our motivation. We all want to find success, happiness, and love in our lives. But sometimes, we lose our way.

We forget what’s truly important and we hold onto dreams, visions, and plans that we have outgrown or are no longer supporting our highest selves.

Under this energy, we need to think about where we are on our journey and our motivation for continuing.

We need to ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing and if there is a need to pivot or shift things.

Why are you walking the path you are currently on? What are you pursuing? Success, money, fame, security, love, acceptance?

At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter where you travel to or what destination you arrive at. What’s more important is that you enjoyed the journey along the way.

If you are miserable climbing your mountain, it may be time to reconsider your motivation and question why you are doing the things you are doing.

You don’t have to pick the biggest, grandest mountain in the forest to climb unless that’s what calls to you. It is perfectly acceptable to take the easy trail with lots of benches and picnic spots. All that matters is that you enjoy yourself along the way.

Life is never as serious as we make it out to be, and even though Capricorn energy can be highly ambitious and a little serious at times, we have to remember to find the lightness and the fun in it all.

“Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.”- Winnie the Pooh

/Based On Materials From ForeverConscious

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