The New Moon today can act
This can otherwise be a good time for starting a financial plan, taking out a loan or consolidating, paying off debt, or doing work in accounting or research.
Taking charge of the areas of life where you feel uncomfortably dependent on others comes naturally now and in the coming weeks.
The weeks ahead can be excellent for breaking a bad habit, even if it’s merely a bad attitude or superstition to which you’ve been clinging. The emphasis now is on ridding yourself of burdens.
It might involve getting rid of some debt or clutter, or it might go deeper than that. Your insight into what aspects of yourself that you need to transform is compelling now.
This can be a day in which new visions of your future motivate and inspire you, too, and you’re looking for a little more from your life than the usual.
There can be confusion with a friend or associate, and possibly some ambiguity that’s intriguing but leaves you in limbo about a relationship; or, an event, meeting, or special memory jumpstarts a whole new direction, and it can inspire you. This is a time for finding or renewing a passion.
Recent relationship confusion lingers today, but you may catch a glimpse of what is just around the next corner.
The Sagittarius New Moon offers a farsighted point of view to your 8th House of Deep Sharing, bringing a new wave of inspiration to resolve the recent chaos within a partnership.
Now that you are developing a wider perspective on your desires, you need to express them.
Allow the words to flow organically without interference from your rational mind.
As Mercury, the planet of communication spends his first full day in direct motion in your relationship sector, there is a chance to seize the opportunities gained from a very short retrograde phase.
Mercury only retrograded back in last weekend and with a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice, you’re now able to look to the future.
This comes at the same time that, after Mercury retrograded back out of your financial sector last weekend, a New Moon has given you a chance to look to the future.
Today’s Quote: “Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”
Lucky Numbers: 6, 19, 28, 40, 48, 49
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair