Today is a good day for your relationships. No matter what your profession is, good things will happen. It is possible to be asked to join a group project, which could lead you to some wonderful friendships. Your mate might be thoughtful and personable at home. People respond to you by radiating warmth and love that is contagious.
You can be a wonderfully flexible person sometimes, thanks to planetary energy! This quality can be highlighted by focusing on stretching your legs and hips. Your true nature will shine through when you are physically strong. Reduce your caffeine intake and replace it with peppermint or Chamomile teas to boost your nervous system.
Today could see you struggling to control certain emotions. You prefer to be patient and slow, building trust with others. Something has gone wrong. It is best to just go with the flow. This person may feel the same about your relationship.
“Your heart is stronger than your mistakes, and it is stronger than your negativity. Your heart is strong. It is resilient. It will never, ever change, or spoil, or lose its ability to give all of itself to someone. It is capable of love, no matter what, and that is all that someone will see within you – that is all that someone will fall in love in.”
Colors of the day: Orange, Green
Lucky Numbers of the day: 7, 3
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: A, R
Cosmic Tip: Take the plunge that scares you.
Tips for Singles: Find what drives you in life.
Tips for Couples: Understand the dreams of your partner and be that support your partner needs.