This can be a time for feeling at one with a friend or kindred spirit, dear Taurus. Connections made can be intriguing and even inspiring. You are contributing something unique to a group or a friendship, and you’re valued for this.

Emotions can be inflamed but internalized today, however, with the Moon and Mars meeting in your intimacy sector. This can be an especially passionate time, and possibly an exciting day on intimate or emotional levels, or a day in which you can’t quite put your finger on the source of your tension!

Daydreaming of intense or passionate experiences can figure strongly for some of you. This can also be a good time for productivity, research, and analysis.

In fact, you can come up with some interesting stuff as you dig around for answers. The need for more emotional excitement in your life can become quite evident with the events of the day.

You wish you could go along with the group consensus now, but you’re unwilling to set aside your personal agenda for the sake of social harmony.

You might agree with everyone in theory, but generalizations don’t lead to a practical strategy. There’s no reason to give in to peer pressure today; stick with the ideas that make the most sense to you.

The Moon’s final hours in your financial sector involves an alignment with Mars, their last here until 2020. This is a chance to bring your financial instincts, imagination, passions and fighting spirit together, getting a clearer sense of what you’re fighting for.

With Mars not only leaving later next week, but bringing all planetary activity to a close, this is a chance to get insight into exactly what it is you’re fighting for.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “A no uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a yes merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 1, 10, 12, 16, 19, 39

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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