You may find yourself in a case of mistaken identity today, where others try to describe your personality for you, despite your statements to the contrary.

Don’t let anyone else tell you who you are. Instead, gently correct them and remind yourself of this: those who will argue with you about your character will likely tell others about their personal version of you, causing them to get the wrong idea. Share who you are with confidence and eliminate the confusion!

Your ‘service to others’ could receive special focus now. One key area could surround your workplace and with whom you share it. Have you been mysterious, elusive, or someone co-workers wish they knew better?

Here’s your chance to allow those you probably spend the most waking hours each day with to receive a glimpse into who you are and what makes you ‘tick.’

Venus begins its transit of your career and reputation sector today, dear Taurus. Until the 25th, this cycle boosts your public or professional appeal and enjoyment of the pursuit of your goals.

There could be social or romantic opportunities through functions or work connections, or the social/creative side of your responsibilities is in stronger focus.

You are coming across as charming, helpful, and attractive, if a little distant emotionally. You might naturally work on polishing your look, image, style, and act, and it’s a great time to do these things.

Advancing your career now can involve being especially friendly and personable. This morning, watch for impatient actions or communications, after which you’ll find it easier to slow down and enjoy the moment.

Today’s Quote: “Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. Believe in yourself, your abilities and your own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 19, 25, 29, 30, 45

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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