Your mind can take you far today; you are more than prepared to dive into any subject of interest, so it’s a great time to open a fresh book or lose yourself in a Wikipedia wormhole.

Something that sparks a creative fire within you can also have deep spiritual meaning just because something is fun doesn’t mean it can’t also be important.

Look for things that bring you joy, but also improve your self-worth and expand your mind. In what ways can you grow?

There are ways you can benefit from creating your own ‘bubble’ now. If something intrigues you or captures your imagination, then permit yourself to create a personal sphere to explore it within. It’s likely something you don’t need others’ input or assistance with.

Today’s transits inspire you to enjoy yourself more fully, dear Taurus, but as the day advances, you tend towards a one-track mind.

There can be a tendency to either dwell on a problem or opinion or to determinedly follow a personal interest and investigate a matter more fully.

You can be feeling quite fired up about an idea or topic with Mercury and Pluto aligning in your solar ninth house. A pursuit or idea can get the adrenaline pumping.

While you should avoid trying to “convert” someone to your line of thinking, you should take advantage of your spirited, passionate frame of mind by applying it to something constructive and worthy of your attention.

As you pursue your interests heartily, others are more likely to see your perspective given a little time.

It can be a time for new insight into your beliefs or educational plans. Watch for the tendency for an exchange of ideas to turn into a frustrating power game.

Today’s Quote: “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 28, 30, 41, 44

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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