What you wish was straightforward or less complicated may need to become a bit more complex before it improves.

You’re dealing with unpredictable energy, and matters of the heart could feel understandably volatile at this time.

But don’t overlook what is manageable in your emotional world or a special connection now. This wave of change is something you can hop on board with!

Set aside work plans or boring responsibilities, because they’ll probably fall apart under the weight of your passions anyway.

Instead, devote yourself to some romantic fun while the Moon in your 5th House of Love and Play aligns with prodigious Uranus in your sign.

You’re in the mood to romance to the beat of your own drum, shaking things up in your love relationship in just the right way.

Don’t look for what you expect; you won’t find it. Instead, break the mold and embrace sexy surprises now.

The current planetary alignment encourages you to break out of a rut that may have stopped you from expressing just how you feel.

You are also held back by thoughts of fear and failure, and feel like retreating further into your shell.

Now is the time to be bold. It is better to be courageous and rebuffed, than never to have tried at all.

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