The Moon moves into your partnership today and will stick around here through tomorrow as well, dear Taurus. This is a time of the lunar month for considering areas of your life that require more balance.

It’s also a fine time to explore companionship. In fact, you may be craving company for even the smallest things today. It’s a good time for making compromises and minor adjustments and changes to better accommodate the needs and plans of people you care about.

The day is good for realistic thinking, particularly in collaboration with someone, as the Moon connects with Saturn in a harmonious angle. You are considering the practical side of making your relationships, and your life in general, run more smoothly.

Even so, the day may not feel as productive as others as there is some tendency to spin your wheels or remain in limbo about where you want to channel your energies. The trick is to choose one thing and stick with it before moving onto the next!

Paradoxically, turmoil is best avoided by staying in the center of a storm, rather than trying to outrun it. The eye of a hurricane is eerily still because there is always stability when you are motionless, no matter how fast the winds are swirling around you.

Thankfully, your saving grace is your ability to remain invulnerable to outside circumstances when you are steadfast in your determination. However, be wary of taking your firm convictions too far.

Fifteen days before the Sun is due to bring the month long wind down of your old solar year, Mercury returns to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart to begin the process.

From the moment your head ducks beneath the surface of the subconscious it will be clear that you’re wrapping up more than just a solar year.

A Uranus cycle that began in 1942 is coming to an end and due to return to Taurus in May, Mercury returns to help process a lifetime of experiences.

Oscar Wilde wrote, “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 2, 10, 11, 32, 36, 38

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

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