Being true to yourself is always important, but it’s especially so now that Saturn has turned retrograde in your 10th House of Aspiration.

Reconsidering your goals could make you feel unsettled today, but that might be a good thing. Changing career tracks is a distinct possibility.

You might be getting pressured to stay in an industry that has served you extremely well, but that might not be possible at this juncture. Instead of having one source of income, you might choose to hold down two jobs. That way, you won’t feel overly reliant on one employer.

We sometimes do the ‘right’ thing for the ‘wrong’ reasons. But is it possible to do the ‘wrong’ thing for the ‘right’ reasons?

Your keenness to take a particular step might cause you to question whether what you do is acceptable. Be certain you have thought through the implications of what you’re considering. There appear to be consequences either way.

A lot can be up in the air this week, dear Taurus. Avoid feeling pressed to make a decision. Focusing on realizable goals and stopping to appreciate what’s already in place will bring the most satisfaction now.

Others may be a little gruff or pushy with you early today, and small disagreements can turn into far more. Try to center yourself, offering yourself more time to draw a conclusion.

Your bigger ideas need more time, edits, and definition before you set them in motion. Saturn begins its yearly retrograde cycle today, and until September 29th, prompts you to do some sorting or reviewing of current goals and projects or endeavors.

You’re likely to feel a shift in perspective about your long-term goals, responsibilities, career, or life path. There is a real need to simplify rather than expand or increase in your career and with your reputation, as development or expansion can bring about undue stress.

You’re in excellent shape, however, for reviewing these issues and building upon current projects already in place or returning to unfinished endeavors.

Also today, Mercury leaves your sign and moves into your money and values sector, sticking around there until May 28th. It’s an excellent cycle for analyzing your finances and belongings, including spending and saving habits.

Today’s Quote: “Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don’t give up.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

Lucky Numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28, 48, 49

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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