There has been a stronger focus on your needs and desires these days, dear Taurus, with multiple planets in your sign. As wild as your tastes may be, a good part of you craves the comforts of familiarity today.

This is not the ideal time for tasks that require sharp focus and concentration or acute perceptions. Draw upon your common sense as much as possible and sidestep the tendency to think that the grass is greener somewhere else.

Your appetite for pleasure is bigger than usual right now, and with Jupiter exaggerating things, perhaps even more so today. However, it can be challenging to satiate just for now, probably because expectations are a little too high.

Tomorrow, both the Sun and Mercury will leave your sign, while Venus will stay a while longer. Today, try not to make bold or big moves.

You can seamlessly fit in when called upon to function in a realm where norms are ingrained and conformity is an asset. Whether you’re traveling the halls of law, the corporate world, or high society, there is power in your strut.

You possess the kind of self-assurance that allows you to stand shoulder to shoulder with folks from all walks of life. But when it’s time to relax, you’re drawn toward dependable people and places. There’s little that’s sweeter than the freedom to be yourself.

In the final hours of your birthday month, there is every chance to look to the future with confidence. The Sun is leaving behind Venus and Uranus, which means you have your ruling planet at your side and the laws of synchronicity in effect.

While Mercury, in his final hours in Taurus as well, will be working on having a game plan and resolutions for the coming year, there is still a need to keep your mind and your options open. For the reality is, you haven’t even begun to explore all your options.

Today’s Quote: “Don’t love too soon. Don’t trust too fast. Don’t quit too early. Don’t expect too high. Don’t talk too much.”

Lucky Numbers: 12, 16, 19, 29, 32, 45

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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