There has been a stronger focus than usual on your social life or involvement with groups and causes these days, dear Cancer, but with today’s emphasis on your work and health sector, you can feel a little torn between pleasure and work.

This can leave you on the fence or sensing that you’re not going to have fun with either choice. There is an escapist or avoidant tendency with you now, as you are unlikely to be in any mood to focus on the more complicated, demanding, or factual elements of your daily existence, but emotionally you can have a strong urge to put some order into your life.

Do what you can to lighten your load just for now and consider choosing something and running with it rather than spending too much time in limbo.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of biting off more than you can chew today. While you might in all sincerity believe you’re capable of beating your best score by double or triple digits now, it’s important to be conservative when making such estimates.

It’s wise to be moderate and treat grand results as a happy surprise than to set expectations through the roof and land someplace in the attic. Big dreams and simple practicality make the most successful team.

Both the Sun and Mercury will be working to make the most of their final hours in a more socially focused part of your chart, knowing that they will both end the day in a more reflective part.

Yet as you prepare to begin the month long wind down to your old solar year, the fact that Mars only left and returned to Cancer five days ago, means most of the hard work and housekeeping has already been done.

With Mars in his first full week in Cancer, there will be little time for navel gazing, but with a time out to reflect when you need it.

Today’s Quote: “Don’t love too soon. Don’t trust too fast. Don’t quit too early. Don’t expect too high. Don’t talk too much.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 9, 15, 28, 37

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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