With your ruler, Venus, in hard aspect to Jupiter today, dear Taurus, it’s best to remind yourself of your usual limits. Circumstances can seem to encourage you to forget them, and judgment can be off.

Decisions made based on the mood of the moment are unlikely to work out very much in your favor just for now. There is a tendency to make promises that are hard to keep or simple statements that others take as more than they are.

These things are resolvable, but they could be nipped in the bud with some mindfulness of current transits.

Keeping things moderate makes sense now, although having some fun is not out of the question. You may be wanting to do something different, and current dissatisfaction can lead to important improvements.

Channel your abundant energy into your work as much as your play. On the surface, all you’re craving is excitement and novelty today.

But the ambivalent Libra Moon’s square to tumultuous Pluto suggests that you’re emotionally wired and need to relieve some pressure.

Perhaps you can’t decide how much time you should spend on any one activity. You’re just happy to be participating in something positive and constructive. The good news is this choice isn’t an either/or option.

The Sun and Mars are already aligned in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, with Mercury catching up today to create a rare triple alignment.

This comes just as Venus is bringing the planets in an adventurous part of your chart into the mix, bringing fun and adventurous forces together.

With all the faster moving planets spending their first full week together in this fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, they are coming together in order to take this seriously.

Today’s Quote: “Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don’t give up.”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 23, 41, 42, 45, 47

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Fair

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