While today’s Venus-Jupiter square is unlikely to be truly difficult, dear Cancer, there is a tendency to blow things out of proportion. Watch for the temptation to take on too many projects or line up more activities than you can reasonably manage.

As well, you may want to avoid reading too much into information coming your way just for now. Making decisions or promises based only on the current mood can be a mistake.

The good news is that solutions, while not necessarily readily available, are on the horizon. Help is likely to come your way for meeting the demands of your work, projects, and other endeavors.

For now, however, aim to enjoy yourself without putting out your “future self.” Keeping things moderate will help smooth out your day.

Captivating conversations or fascinating research could easily draw you into a deep vortex now. In the heat of the moment, some discoveries or discussions may become overly passionate and all-consuming.

You might have to pull yourself away, if only to stop from growing too excited or distracted from your responsibilities.

Nevertheless, you’re also liable to feel renewed and recharged from your heady pursuits. Dive into these exhilarating learning adventures but leave enough time to accomplish today’s important tasks.

Before leaving your home and family sector today, the Moon’s clash with Eris in your career sector could create some work/life balance tension and the timing couldn’t be better.

This is nothing more than the monthly reminder the Moon brings once every four weeks, putting a balance between your home and professional lives to the test.

However, it comes just as Jupiter moves into his final three months in your busy work sector, with the pace set to start picking up.

Today’s Quote: “Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don’t give up.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 17, 19, 25, 26, 32

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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