You have an excellent opportunity to reach the top of your career game today. The secret to your success is having two equally good options from which to choose.

When your employer realizes you’ve generated such great ideas, you could be given a leadership role or be placed in charge of an important department.

Are you unemployed? Having twin sources of income may be more profitable and stimulating than one. Consider your options, especially if one involves working with people from another culture. Experiencing a different way of life could make you happier and healthier overall.

If you find yourself giving increasing levels of thought to your life’s purpose or path, then listen to what your instincts tell you.

You have a chance to make a significant difference, not only to your world but to others’ worlds too. There’s nothing wrong with doing something for others that makes you feel better within yourself. Explore any options seriously.

With your ruler, Venus, in harmony with steady, responsible Saturn today, dear Taurus, it’s a time for recognizing the need for some self-discipline, particularly with money or work.

It favors thinking about priorities and even enjoying budgeting or planning ahead and making the most of what you have. It can be a time for reducing redundancies or otherwise simplifying your life and feeling better off for it, even if it means putting some goals or activities on hold.

This can be an excellent time to see your means, resources, capabilities, and relationships in a more realistic light. You’re less interested in immediate gratification and more concerned about what benefits you and yours in the long term today.

There can be traditional and wise information coming your way. Others may also turn to you for your trademark calming/healing energy. Patience brings rewards right now.

Today’s Quote: “You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

Lucky Numbers: 16, 20, 22, 33, 36, 46

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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