Due to your gracious veneer, people often don’t realize how ambitious and assertive you really are. Today, you’re prompted to throw off your mask and display your inner competitor.

After challenging the status quo’s assumptions, it would be wise to retreat to your corner and let everyone else fight over what you brought to the table.

It will take time for the public to see the brilliance of your ideas, but when they do, you’ll have a chance to put them into practice. Conserve your energy now, because you’ll soon be busy.

A desire for a thrill could intensify at this time. Even if you’re a creature of habit who enjoys and takes comfort from routines, an urge to be more adventurous or experimental could be too alluring to ignore.

You don’t need to do anything dramatic or excessive. But you can bring more depth to your world by exploring options that look set to be uplifting – or offer the adrenaline surge you want.

You’re in particularly good shape for family and personal matters, dear Taurus, and also for expressing feelings. Detoxing and freeing yourself on an emotional level can be easier than usual now.

A Mercury-Chiron trine helps you take stock of what is and what isn’t working in your life. Conversations that help heal and repair the rough edges in a relationship can figure strongly.

You’re able to arrive at diplomatic solutions to problems that tend to happen organically and naturally.

It helps that you’re a little more patient and willing to take extra time to listen, absorb, and explain. While you can have some great conversations, there can be some tension later today.

You’re in an excellent position to gain an edge in work or your health pursuits. You stand to gain more profound insights and awareness into something that leads to smarter work methods, better relationships with family, or health boosters.

The Moon spends much of the day in the sign just behind yours, emphasizing the benefits of healing activities. Tonight, however, the Moon moves into your sign, and you come out of your shell.

Today’s Quote: “I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you’re going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 11, 16, 18, 24, 31, 39

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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