Venus is now transiting your friendship sector, dear Taurus, and will stick around here for just over three weeks. Venus, now in Pisces, is compassionate and boundless, and you can be feeling complicated and warm feelings for friends or wistful regarding your social life.

During this cycle, you value freedom and space in your friendships and social life, allowing you to enjoy a carefree, energetic social life without feeling bogged down by too many expectations and demands from and for others.

Forming new friendships can come easily during this cycle due to your unusually open and personable manner, leading to an enjoyable sense of variety in your social life. On any regular day, by nature, you are always exceptionally helpful with your friends, and this trait is particularly prominent now.

Today is a good time to expand your mind and open up to discoveries, especially regarding goals for your future. The morning may bring a small wake-up call or a need to fill a responsibility, but you feel pleasantly busy and needed now.

While others may sit around and complain about all the work there is to do today, you’re keen on jumping in and getting started. You have a mission in mind and anticipate overcoming all odds on your way to success.

But you’re not only focused on reaching your destination now, because you intuitively know that every step of your journey is an integral part of the experience.

Thankfully, your pragmatic approach to life improves your chances of manifesting your dreams.

Venus’ departure from your career sector yesterday means it is now time to get down to business. Four days ahead of a solar eclipse that will be the real starting point for this professional year, there is a chance now to get your head in the game.

Venus’ job was to focus on the ‘what’, as she updated your professional desires and expectations for the coming year. It is now the Sun and Mercury’s job to focus on the ‘when, where and how’.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 17, 20, 28, 36, 47

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

Today’s Quote: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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