It will be much easier to get your thoughts across to your nearest and dearest now. Recently, it feels like your family has willfully misunderstood you, but the clouds of confusion are lifting and you’ll be able to talk like compatriots instead of rivals.

Turn to your tribe for help with a personal goal. Devoting yourself to a creative art or business endeavor will bring out the best in you.

Anyone helping out will also enjoy the process, even if they’re not the innovative type. Just being in your orbit has an uplifting effect on people.

Mountains from molehills. Storms in teacups. These are two common phrases we use when a big deal is made of something minor.

We’ve all been in situations where we believe we are dealing with something major, and an exaggerated response is natural or justified.

There could be some pride on your part in knowing that what others now see as insignificant, you knew to be true from the outset.

The Moon in your privacy sector all day encourages you to take things easy and keep a low profile, dear Taurus. With Mercury’s station today, it comes at a good time–an emotional recharge or taking a light schedule can be ideal now.

Mercury turns direct after a retrograde phase since June 18th. It’s good news, but because it’s a shift of direction, there can be some disorientation temporarily.

While it’s best not to jump into action, new launches, or major decisions, you’ll enjoy some forward motion on delayed projects in the coming days and weeks.

Further information can arrive that facilitates decision-making. Aim to work on activities that help clear up delays and set the ball rolling to make progress.

For now, a Sun-Neptune transit helps you go with the flow as it draws out your compassionate side. Through a forgiving and kinder look at situations and people in your life, you could arrive at a nice feeling of peace and freedom.

You may be helping someone out, which makes you feel good. People are more inclined to recognize your value as a friend today.

Today’s Quote: “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 9, 21, 26, 49

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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