Just as some doors open, others will be closing. Saturn moves into your 10th House of Career and Purpose today, making you acutely aware of the ways in which your achievements feed your soul.
Prepare for your work or job to alter a position of leadership or an opportunity for more responsibility may present itself soon. This is a great day to lay the groundwork for change and prepare for your future. Let your imagination start to manifest your dream job into existence.
You may have had countless ideas during recent years to broaden your mind and expand your mental and physical frontiers. You may have felt that every time you took an adventurous step, you were reminded why it couldn’t be taken.
You’ve probably grown used to toning down your sense of adventure. From today, the hampering influence experienced for the past three years is removed!
Saturn heads to the top of your solar chart today, dear Taurus, and Jupiter will follow suit in just two days. These events mark the beginning of a long-term trend in which your career and broader life goals become a high priority or area of focus.
Circumstances conspire to remind you of the importance of structure, responsibility, credibility, and reputation in the coming years. You might make changes such that your career path better reflects the principles closest to your heart.
The Saturn cycle that lasts until March 2023 is a cycle for really putting in the work. Jupiter here will be with you for much of 2021, helping you acclimate to the change.
You may feel driven to prove or achieve something substantial during this period. You may be called to task, and rewards come from hard work, solid effort, sincerity, and respect or humbleness.
It’s not a time for getting too caught up in your own press. Aim to learn what you can do and embrace reality if unrealistic goals have been slowing your progress. You might re-evaluate your professional standing, responsibilities, and outward signs of success.
Now is your chance to build a secure foundation in your professional or most public life. Today, the Moon moves into this same area of your solar chart, and you’re especially aware of your duties and reputation.
Today’s Quote: “Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent
Lucky Numbers: 9, 17, 23, 28, 37, 43
Daily Compatibility: Pisces