Sound energy is with you for problem-solving with business, financial, and practical affairs, dear Taurus, and arriving at pragmatic solutions.

You’re also in a strong position for sorting out money or ownership dilemmas and problems. There is a better chance that people cooperate and come to fair agreements today than usual.

Uranus is now in your sign and will transit Taurus for the better part of the next eight years. During this cycle, you’ll be making significant changes regarding the way you express yourself. Changes are also highly likely in your home, career, and partnerships, as well.

Inner changes are now translated to the outside world, and you’ll be seeking entirely new experiences during this long-term cycle. It’s a time of a personal revolution in your life, and you may surprise a few people now!

Your gait is a bit faster today, your schedule is tighter, and there is an undeniable spring in your step.

There may not be one particular reason for your enthusiasm now; it’s just there are many things to do and your idea of fun is to jump in and do them.

Don’t waste any time because the energy softens later in the day, prompting you to prioritize self-care and spend a little less time on fulfilling your obligations.

The Moon’s departure from your income sector today leaves you with the nose for money needed to make Venus’ final days count.

With Mars in his early days in your career sector and with your professional year catching its second wind, this has made it easier to steer things in a lucrative direction.

This is just the start of a new professional push, with the Sun returning to your income sector early next week to add his weight.

Novelist Anne Lamott wrote, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 1, 14, 23, 30, 41, 45

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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