Candid conversations are taking place around you, with issues being steered toward more sensitive topics. Your perceptive nature allows you to tap into the deeper meanings being presented at this time.

Sharing with others what you truly want, need, and desire takes courage something you are able to access easily today.

You could be surprised at your own ability to speak the truth; in fact you can’t stop it from coming out of your mouth. The day feels empowering, as space is created for your authenticity.

When considering an action, some people don’t only adhere to a ‘there’s no time like the present’ belief. They want to go one step further. They want to see what their efforts bring right here and now.

The feeling of wishing we’d shown restraint is a distinct one. However, you look set to take pride in being selective about how, where, and when you took action recently.

Mercury heads into your solar eighth house for a stay until December 20th, dear Taurus. In the weeks ahead, you’re likely to pick up all sorts of interesting information and cues.

You may be reading between the lines more often than not. You’re bound to bring more logic and objectivity to sensitive, intimate, or taboo matters. With the Sun also transiting this area of your solar chart, there’s a strong focus on your inner world and close relationships now.

You’re making changes within you that strongly impact how you approach your life. It’s a good time to make sense of some of your habits, tendencies, and gut reactions.

You’re forming strong strategies. You are far less interested in small talk and far more curious about intimate, deep, and profound material.

Today, you can get very serious about a belief or principle, but try not to let narrow-mindedness in others rain on your parade. If it’s truly not important, let go for your own peace of mind.

Today’s Quote: “The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 7, 26, 36, 43

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

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