This morning, you’re in particularly great shape for resolving recent problems related to communication, learning, or transportation, dear Taurus, perhaps after some level of distress along these lines. You’re ready to make the most of a situation, or you’re willing to take steps to improve your life.

Confronting a problem is your best bet now, rather than sidestepping it. Also today, your ruler, Venus, harmonizes with Jupiter.

This aspect is a lucky one a winning attitude attracts positive circumstances, particularly related to work and business. Ideas are big, and perhaps a little too big now, but that’s just fine because tomorrow happens to be excellent for scoping out and assessing the details.

The social side of a situation is a bigger appeal today. You are strongly motivated to make your daily life better. You can see what has been blocking you in the past.

You might also see more clearly how your efforts contribute to increased income right now, and it’s satisfying and motivating.

Your appetite for pleasure is very strong. The Moon is in your sign all day, increasing the chances even further that you’re feeling indulgent.

These are the good old days but they won’t last forever. Nevertheless, everything seems to be in place, ensuring a memorable moment while beautiful Venus receives a cosmic blessing from lucky Jupiter today. Engage each moment as it arrives, for pleasure is as transitory as the hour.

Nothing even the best experiences is immune from the passage of time. However, there is no reason to be afraid of what is around the bend. Focus your energy on practical ways to make your life more bountiful now. Happiness is yours for the asking, so soak in the good vibrations while they last.

A lot of things are going Venus’ way today. As the planet of money reaches the exact midway point of her 27 day visit to your income sector, she is joined by the Moon.

This will see a nose for money kick in just as Venus’ alignment with Jupiter in your work sector also peaks, creating some auspicious conditions across the income and job front.

If this does nothing more than boost your confidence and provide a lucrative sense of direction that is more than enough.

Daily Numbers

25, 31, 35, 39, 41, 43

Daily Compatibility


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