People would benefit to learn from your knowledge. You could be the perfect person to fill a role tutoring students who are serious about their studies.

They’ll appreciate your expertise and you’ll be gratified by their respect. Once word spreads of your teaching talents, you could get a regular, paid gig as an instructor.

While intelligent Mercury makes a supportive angle to original Uranus in your 1st House of Personality, an unorthodox approach is your best bet. Your unique methods will stand out among others and may be especially appealing to gifted minds.

We’ve all learned in the past not to get too excited just because we see a finish line in the far off distance. The race hasn’t ended until we cross that line.

Your optimism toward seeing or sensing something is finally coming to an end is bound to be justified. But don’t rule out the possibility of one or two hurdles existing between where you are now and that finish line.

New light may be shed on matters related to communications, dear Taurus, with the Sun and retrograde Mercury coming together today. You might rediscover an old interest or conclude that something you’ve been pursuing is no longer up your alley.

Ideas occurring to you this week can spark a long-term project. This can be the beginning of new thinking about learning pursuits and projects, and you’re likely to see recent decisions in a new light.

You can find inspiration with something or someone stirring your higher ideals and awakening your dreams. Interactions with a sibling or acquaintance can be significant, or incoming news redirects you.

Gaining surprise freedoms or discovering new ways of doing things can figure strongly now. You may be dealing with some guilt about things you’re not accomplishing, but you can also learn much from your insecurities.

Today’s Quote: “Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair:

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 20, 21, 23, 44

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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