In many ways, you feel quite good about your current projects and daily activities, dear Taurus, but some things are not quite right that can lead to a feeling of restlessness, which in turn can result in mistakes if you’re forced to be in a routine right now.

If you’ve taken on too much and find yourself juggling too many things, there can be a sense that you’re overloaded, which of course doesn’t help things.

Although solutions may not be readily available, they’re on the horizon, and help is likely to come your way for meeting the demands of your work, projects, and other endeavors.

For some of you, a stronger sense of purpose may be what you’re seeking now, and for others, a feeling that your social life or a project is up in the air can leave you feeling that although many things are good, you’re in limbo. Start small and work yourself up to bigger goals for best results if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

You’re more comfortable today when interacting with others. Fortunately, previous resistance to group activities settles into the background, enabling you to be totally committed to a team effort.

However, your participation with coworkers need not prevent you from tackling your own creative project now. The simple act of undertaking something for your personal enjoyment could unlock other more practical possibilities to pursue.

Author Robert Holder writes, “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”

As Mercury, planet of communication leaves your communication sector he leaves behind plenty of support to keep the communication lines open. With the remnants of shattered communication barriers littering the ground, you’re in a much better position, than you were even at the end of last week.

The communication challenges of the last few days clear to reveal breakthroughs that now are possible.

Daily Numbers

24, 26, 30, 35, 39, 40

Daily Compatibility


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