You’re in your element today while the influential Moon and rebellious Uranus are joining together in your 1st House of Self. Doing and saying things in your own way heightens your allure and gets people to pay attention to your message.

They admire your willingness to be authentic while others toe the line in search of public approval. Sharing your fresh ideas should get an enthusiastic reception today and may even garner you a unique position helping others in your community. Your influence continues to expand.

You can feel some stirrings or agitation with restrictions today, dear Taurus. Or, you can be a bit impatient with routines and methods that you’ve been using for so long that you’ve become bored.

Insights and resolutions will follow shortly, but for now, you’re motivated to find new approaches. The Moon spends today in your sign, and you’re drawing attention.

Verbalizing an issue or writing things out can bring on a new perspective. You can be quite charming and in demand now.

While a lot can be accomplished through the power of words today as the Moon in your sign harmonizes with Mercury, Mercury is about to turn retrograde, and agreements made now may need further attention later. Take things easy, resolving not to jump to conclusions or decisions.

Sometimes, we see something obvious and believe others see it as well. Out of respect for them and by crediting them with certain levels of intelligence, we choose to keep observations to ourselves.

But when it becomes clear that we must point out the obvious to whoever, we can struggle to conceal frustration. Try to conceal yours in such a situation now.

Today’s Quote: “Life pushes us in many ways, testing our strength and demanding us to get out of our comfort zone. The best thing is that as long as we maintain hope we are powerful enough to handle both success and disappointment.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 14, 29, 34, 37, 45

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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