You’re in a retiring mood again today, dear Taurus, or perhaps a little emotionally distant. There can be quite a few distractions, however, and a general lack of direction, so that it’s better to avoid detail-oriented work or activities, if possible.

This way, dreamy states of mind can serve as pleasing detours from the strains, pressures, or monotony of daily life. However, try not to sign anything or commit yourself to what appear to be amazing plans now, as they may turn out to be impractical ventures down the road.

This is not the time to get clear answers from others, and perhaps even yourself, as motivation levels may be temporarily down. If there’s been unrest at work or in your personal life, the next two days can see you pushed to deal with it.

You have high hopes about deepening a friendship by revealing your previously unexpressed dreams. You’re eager to take a risk today and launch into a story about your spiritual explorations.

However, you might stir up a hornet’s nest if your religious views or metaphysical assumptions are in conflict with the faith of others.

It’s imperative to express your beliefs without imposing them on anyone else. Nevertheless, it’s difficult to find common ground if one person already knows the other one is wrong. Mutual respect is a cornerstone to a strong community.

Barry Neil Kaufman said, “The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see.”

As she spends her last full day in your relationship sector, Venus is a planet on a mission. That mission is to get you to believe that anything is possible, but the reality is that unlike any other year in over a decade, it really is.

With lucky Jupiter here until November 2018 and Mars returning later next week, Venus knows that you have the support to turn desires into reality. Whether single, in a relationship or between relationships you have to start somewhere, after which it is all about the journey.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 9, 27, 37, 40

Daily Compatibility: Capricorn

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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