Obvious choices do an excellent job of getting our attention. But they can be like that kid everyone had in their class who always put their arm up, grunting and shouting for the teacher to choose them.

Less obvious choices are cleverer. They’re keen to see how deeply and imaginatively we’re prepared to go and be to discover them.

A seemingly insignificant solution could be precisely what you need.

The muses are with you today, inspiring your work and artistic sensibilities.

Give your focus over to creative endeavors, and consider how you can bring more beauty into your everyday experience by making some small changes.

Anything that gives you extra time or space to indulge in the little things you love can make a difference in your overall mood.

Engage in activities today that brighten up your environment and bring more comfort into your life.

While you’re likely to have some wonderful ideas now, a Venus-Neptune aspect can cloud your vision early today, dear Taurus.

It can also play with your mood, motivation, and drive, but this is temporary. Areas of life that may be up in the air or unclear include friendships, boundaries in your relationships, work, support, or intimacy.

You may be feeling high one minute and low the next. The trick is to keep expectations of others at the human level!

You may be dealing with a romantic or social disappointment, but the good news is that it’s clearing the way for more clarity.

In fact, you’re making room for new and improved goals and turning your focus to those things that matter more. Ride this out – it’s likely just a brief time of being out of sync.

The day progresses far more purposefully. Emotional satisfaction tends to come from mental stimulation and learning new things.

Today’s Quote: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens: but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”

Creativity: Fair

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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