You might thoroughly enjoy learning something new or developing your specialized skills or knowledge today, dear Taurus, as this makes you feel strong. You’re absorbing information well right now.

Also today, Saturn turns direct after several months in retrograde motion, and you’ll see some forward progress with taxes, intimate or financial relationships, education, or travel now and in the coming weeks.

This is a time for more clarity about a responsibility to someone or a commitment. There could be sobering news about a financial matter, or you might recognize that money matters are out of order and need to be organized.

This places you in a more empowered position, even if there is a reality to face now. You’re less likely to dilly dally with your responsibilities.

You’re feeling very confident about your work today, but someone may have a hidden agenda lurking behind a smokescreen.

Thankfully, you can take nearly anything in stride as long as your primary concern is everyone’s wellbeing. If you try to subvert the powerful cosmic energy for your individual benefit now, your scheme will likely backfire.

Professor Carlos Wallace wrote, “The tide seldom shifts in favor of a selfish individual.”

Saturn’s direct turn literally brings you to a major turning point in this financial year, if not financially in general. A three year financial boot camp will end in December, but the last forced review for another 28 years is now over.

With the third retrograde phase in as many years over, the money gods figure if you haven’t learned everything you can from the past by now you’ll have to pass.

From today you’re building towards the future again, for the first time in nearly five months.

Lucky Numbers

17, 22, 24, 26, 29, 33

Daily Compatibility


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