You’re seen in a particularly good light today, dear Taurus, but it goes deeper than this – you are finding easy and natural expression today and with a stronger sense of purpose, you are at your best. If there’s a relationship to build or repair, this is a good time for building bridges.

Friends, in particular, put their faith in you, and this feels great. Networking efforts can be fruitful, and you can readily be yourself with people with whom you’re mingling.

Also today, Saturn and Uranus form a supportive aspect, helping to strengthen your resolve and leading to a better understanding of your inner world, responses, and closest relationships. This aspect first formed in December and will stick with you until November.

Its peak today points to stronger themes of getting a handle on problems related to emotional attachments, dependencies, sexuality, financial support, or addictions. There are solutions, outlets, or even breakthroughs occurring now that suggest steady forward motion.

You might gain a confidante or other outlet for expressing yourself. Some of the recent blocks in your intimate life or with money can lift or decrease.

Working as part of a team enables you to be very productive today, but your agenda might be slightly different from the group consensus. Nevertheless, you can blend so seamlessly into the crowd that no one will even notice you’re really on your own path.

Fortunately, everyone benefits from your ability to play on both sides of the fence now. Although it would be easier to forget about your goal and just work for the larger cause, you can’t.

Elon Musk said, “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Having the Moon in your career sector as Venus and Jupiter move into an opportunity is a sign that luck really is on your side. This may see work tension and job pressure come to a head, but with your professional instincts sharp you’ll see this as the timely push that it is.

With support from Mars in your income sector this is more likely to fire up your motivation and fighting spirt, while bringing home a call to work smarter.

Lucky Numbers
1, 17, 21, 35, 39, 40

Daily Compatibility

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