You’re in the midst of a nice set of days of increased appeal and magnetism, Taurus, as well as divine energy for romantic relationships, dating, hobbies, and entertainment.

This morning, you’re in perfect shape for work and routine, however, and there’s a good chance you can get ahead with your high levels of motivation.

While Jupiter will soon be leaving the sector of your chart that rules habits and health, you have a host of planets in October keeping the good vibes alive.

Health and work programs are well starred this month. Towards midday, the Moon enters your social sector, and you’re inclined to seek out good company.

This is also a time for the easing of the pressures to perform.

You might believe that your associates will come to your rescue today. Although you wish to demonstrate your ability to achieve your goals on your own, the Moon’s shift into altruistic Pisces and your 11th House of Groups tempts you with visions of successful collaborations.

Nevertheless, you won’t likely give up control until you’ve run out of other options. Thankfully, your unwavering determination will ultimately overpower your ego’s desire to be self-sufficient. Cooperate with others; compete with yourself.

Dennis P. Kimbro said, “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”

With Jupiter in his last full week in your work sector, having the Moon move through your career sector has been a huge advantage. As the Moon moves on hold onto the valuable clues, hunches and insights and the professional instincts this leaves you with.

With Mercury only in your work sector for 17 days, this will help balance out his intellectually savvy edge. This will also help you to work smarter, as you try and find a balance between work and play.

Lucky Numbers

7, 8, 16, 17, 23, 27

Daily Compatibility


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