Salud, Taurus! Vital Jupiter is bounding through your wellness zone for one more week—the final stretch of a journey that began on September 9, 2016. Since then, you may have upped the ante on your healthy living goals. Did you quit a bad habit, change your eating or get an exercise regimen locked and loaded? If not, well, carpe diem! In many ways, this past year-plus hasn’t been the most exciting of times. Jupiter loves freedom, and the sixth house is all about structure.

But maybe you found freedom WITHIN structure? Your sign does love a plan, even if your decadent urges can lure you off the wagon from time to time. This week provides an opportunity to create a healthy ritual, one that allows you to indulge responsibly. Set yourself up for success before Jupiter moves on to Scorpio (and your relationship house) next Tuesday, October 10. Suss out fitness studios—ones that are an easy commute from your office or home—that have fun classes that will keep you inspired to sweat. If you’re bored with the same old recipes, try a healthy meal delivery service like Sunbasket or Hello Fresh. That will prevent sugar from becoming your main food group as the temperatures dip.

If you’re single, be the safe sex warrior as you move into a more partnership-oriented groove. Coupled Bulls might entice your partner to be your fitness buddy as well as your bedroom buddy. (Those endorphins are such an aphrodisiac.) Indie-spirited Jupiter in the sixth house either made work super busy or gave you the irrepressible urge to play hooky. If you’re overworked, another pair of hands is coming. Under-enthused? Inspiration could soon return, especially if you partner up on a profitable project.

Do you feel like an old pattern is standing in the way of your growth? Thursday’s full moon in Aries and your transitional twelfth house can help you move past that block. It’s never easy to say goodbye, but closing this chapter in your life is what’s needed. Besides, this ending can also be an evolution, Taurus, and a chance for major growth. No one said it would be easy though—especially since your stubborn sign can dig your hooves in and refuse to budge, even when you KNOW that it would be the most beneficial thing. Like a gentle, celestial sponsor, this full moon can hold your hand while you break your addiction to that old, outmoded life.

If you’ve been a little too wrapped up in other people’s affairs, la luna can cut the cord. Let “codependent no more!” be your battle cry…and have a read of the eponymous self-help classic by Melody Beattie. You’re not doing those baby birds any favors by keeping them in the nest. Help them strengthen their wings by dealing with their own struggles…without you rushing in for the save. The twelfth house rules mentors, guides and helpful healers like shamans and acupuncturists.

A few “earth angel” figures could step forward within two weeks of the full moon, and their guidance may expedite your journey to the next stage of the game. If you’ve been feeling sluggish, consider a detox or anti-inflammation diet. Add clean, vitamin-rich foods to your plate and cut out the acidic fare like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, wheat, and meat—or at least reducing your intake. Flood your system with fresh water, and start the day with a hot mug of H2O and an alkalizing lemon slice. An invigorating morning walk can also get your chi a-flowing. Zip up your parka and get some air!

If this is all sounding a bit too banal, fear not. Your ruling planet Venus will bring some fun and flavor to the week as she continues to flow through Virgo and your passionate fifth house. On Tuesday, October 3 seductive Pluto sends a wink from your broad-minded ninth house. There could be some serious sparks flying—but not with the usual suspects. That love buzz could come from a long-distance crush or with someone from a vastly different culture than your own. But on Sunday, stern Saturn in your intimate eighth house shoots a warning flare at Venus. Are you idealizing people or confusing a sultry fling for the real thing? Assume nothing, Taurus. If you want to know where people stand, be your matter-of-fact self and just ask.

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