The Sun begins its month-long transit of your home and family sector today, dear Taurus, and you’re all set to settle in!

This is a cycle for appreciating the comforts of familiarity. You may be investing more time and energy, as well as pride, in your home and family life in the weeks ahead.

This transit encourages a more focused approach to your life after a rather busy-bee period.

Security and stability are prioritized goals right now, and with Mars and Mercury already in this sector of your chart, you have the energy, motivation, courage, and smarts to make some fabulous improvements in your personal life.

Today, however, aim to wind down before the New Moon tomorrow. This is a day for reflection and tying up loose ends.

There’s no reason to cling onto childhood patterns any longer, especially if they reinforce old worries about scarcity. Nevertheless, the Sun’s move into your 4th House of Home and Family invites you for a walk along Memory Lane.

Looking back is healthy if it deepens your perspective on your current life. Just remember that the universe contains unlimited possibilities, so show up with a smile and do whatever you can to transform your fears into love.

Zig Ziglar taught, “You can’t climb uphill by thinking downhill thoughts.”

While the weekend is often when we have more time to spend focused on home and family matters, it is the stars that make this the centre of things today.

Just as Mars is spending his first weekend in your home and family sector, he is not only joined by the Sun but the Moon as well.

All of a sudden a New Moon pops up from out of the blue. With little time to prepare this might seem too early, until you realise it is the first of two New Moons. Today is more a chance to commit to the start of a new journey.

Daily Numbers

15, 16, 18, 31, 41, 43

Daily Compatibility


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