An alignment of Mercury, Venus, and Chiron today can point to a fabulous time for personal discoveries, dear Taurus. Conversations can be revealing and extraordinarily open and exciting, and this impacts friendships, both platonic and romantic.

This can be a time for helping someone out, talking through problem areas in a relationship, and possibly opening up conversations about sensitive topics. Emotionally, you are brave and willing, although there is some tendency to keep things on an intellectual plane today.

You may get the chance to start fresh in friendship as you reach a new level of understanding or awareness that takes things to a new level. People in your life and possibly even networking can lead you in the right direction towards healing, growing, and improving.

Sharing ideas and exchanging stories can figure strongly. You may very well shine with associates or in a team or group effort now, and your contributions are appreciated. Love connections or mutually beneficial agreements may arise through friends.

You want to lose yourself into your community of friends or extended family today. Simultaneously, you expect to maintain your individuality at all cost.

Needless to say, balancing these desires is problematic, but the solution might arrive from a different direction.

Your imagination is the most powerful force at your disposal now, enabling you to reprogram your overactive drive for self-protection.

The last full day of having six planets in a friendly, social and serendipitous part of your chart was always going to make this an important day for being socially plugged in. There is not only something serendipitous in play today, but something healing.

Whether it’s a chance to reach out, to mend old bridges or just practice random acts of kindness, reaching out has the ability to heal. Maybe it’s just the realization that we are all connected.

Inspirational author Shannon L. Alder wrote, “The only real conflict you will ever have in your life won’t be with others, but with yourself.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 24, 27, 29, 30, 33, 43

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

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