Powerful aspects today can give your relationships a pleasant boost, Taurus. There is a willingness to learn and grow, which is priceless! Your imagination is working in your favor.

This is a time for releasing a tendency to stubbornly hold on to the ways of the past and instead embracing new methods of relating that honestly work for you. You are at your most companionable right now.

A spirit of acceptance and friendship improves your relationships. The Moon makes its monthly conjunction with Jupiter later today, and this can serve to expand your feelings about others in positive ways. Your closest relationships are especially crucial to your sense of emotional satisfaction now.

It appears as if you have caught someone’s eye now and you’re flattered by the attention. Although you may be attracted to your admirer, you might not be ready to jump into a relationship.

Whether you’re already involved or your focus is elsewhere, you’re under no obligation to take this flirtation any further.

However, your heart is giving you conflicting signals today, possibly leaving you uncertain as to your next move. Keep in mind that every success begins with the decision to try.

Doug Firebaugh said, “Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.”

The Moon’s departure from your work sector yesterday has seen any work tension and job pressure drop back, but has left you feeling a lot more motivated.

As Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos prepares to move into his final three weeks in your work sector tomorrow and in the process bring 16 months of planetary activity to an end, this has left you with a better sense of what you’re fighting for. With all the cards now on the table, it’s time to bring things home.

Lucky Numbers: 10, 12, 13, 30, 32, 43

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

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