With the Moon in your solar third house until tomorrow night, dear Taurus, you’re likely to be busy although not especially focused! That’s just fine, however, because the purpose of this Moon transit is for you to put your feelers out and collect information rather than hunker down.
Emotional satisfaction comes from mental stimulation, reaching out and connecting with others, and learning new things. You seem to need change, movement, and variety today.
There is one area that grabs your attention more than most, however, and that is family or home matters, as you can feel inspired as you make plans for the future in these areas.
New information or contacts can motivate you to make improvements and positive changes.
You are tempted to disengage from social interactions today, simply do your work and then return to your cozy nest. You don’t feel like talking to anyone because they might ruin your peaceful state of mind.
Nevertheless, human connection, like meditation and rest, is an essential ingredient to your emotional well-being. Overcoming uncertainty doesn’t require you to do anything differently now as long as you keep your mind open.
Pastor Sunday Adelaja wrote, “The key for having success is totally rejecting thoughts that try to sow doubts into your conscience.”
The Moon is not only making its last visit your communication sector before Ceres leaves next week, but before your most important relationship year in over a decade begins.
With no more planetary activity on the communication front once Ceres leaves, this is an all out effort from the communication gods today to get the communication lines open.
Yet while the Moon focuses on giving your emotional responses a voice, Ceres is focused more on what you need from your communications.
Lucky Numbers
4, 8, 11, 24, 28, 34
Daily Compatibility