Insecurities or self-doubt can play with your interactions today, dear Taurus, but self-awareness will do wonders for improving your connections.
Sometimes, timing is a little off, and it’s not something to worry about. In fact, small “downs” can make the “ups” feel especially good. Today’s Moon is enlivening your work, health, and habits sector, and you’ll feel much better about yourself and life if you take care of some niggly details.
Pouring a little more heart into your work or health regime may be all it takes to make you feel fabulous.
The Moon’s monthly alignment with Mars occurs today, and this can fill you with courage and enthusiasm, or it can get you all riled up about something you wish would take less time. Tame impulses now but “listen” to your feelings.
Your coworkers rely on your sense of fair play today as they try to untangle a complicated issue that’s affecting other employees. You are known for your pragmatic approach to problem solving.
However, you also feel an intuitive connection with the underdog in the current conflict now that Chiron the Wounded Healer aligns with your key planet Venus.
But nothing will be gained by taking sides. Listen to everyone’s stories with equal concern. Objectivity is your friend.
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
An alignment between the Moon and Mars is not just the last with the warrior planet of the cosmos here until 2019, but the last with any planet.
A push that began with Jupiter’s return last September is now in its final weeks and it is Mars who is charged with bringing things home.
With the Moon’s emotional responses fusing with Mars’ fiery passions, this is a combustible mix, one that will give you a better sense of what you’re fighting for.
Lucky Numbers: 8, 23, 30, 32, 33, 34
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Creativity: Good
Love: Fair
Business: Fair