The Sun and the Moon’s agreement today occurs in your sectors of goals, money, resources, reputation, and business, dear Taurus. This can point to using your natural talents or resources to get ahead. Or, it can mean you’re excelling at your work, and this helps your bottom line and boosts your feelings of security and comfort.

However, as the day advances, the Sun and Saturn move towards an opposition, and you may need to deal with a financial or relationship reality. Someone seems a little unsympathetic or disapproving now, and this can certainly discourage you.

You may need to draw your own boundaries, although if a significant other is doing the same, you may reach an impasse. Alternatively, you can aim to meet others halfway and wait for them to do the same. If money or support is an issue, work on what you can do about improving your position.

Delays occurring now may very well lead to better conditions later, so be willing to draw upon your patience.

You are typically straightforward, yet your current tendency is to embellish the facts. The truth is you aren’t intentionally trying to mislead anyone now; it’s just that you could easily get mixed up between what you want and what is real.

There’s nothing wrong with chasing your dreams or taking a quick trip to Fantasyland as long as you inform everyone of your plans. After all, your imagination is a rich garden where your most creative ideas can take root.

Just five days after a Full Moon brought income and money matters into opposition, it might feel like you’re back there today. This time it is the Sun, now in his final days in your income sector that moves into opposition with Saturn, in your financial sector.

Coming so soon after the Full Moon this is a chance to bring still fresh issues out in the open. This is a chance to address any balance issues between money coming in and money going out objectively.

Daily Numbers

9, 22, 27, 29, 31, 44

Daily Compatibility


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