Those with families will feel the need for support and sympathy from their spouse and relatives, you will ask them to share their thoughts and ideas and look for opportunities to spend more time in a close family circle.
Your desire to confront the people in close proximity will only bring you harm. You may be required to take it easy during this cycle – there is no rush, patience is the key.
The energy from the planets creates a mood of harmony for you. Soon you may feel the need to change your environment in part because you will think you have enemies you want to move away from.
Know that you have every chance to make as many changes as you desire. Decide whether you are sure in the exactness of your actions. Finish what is long overdue and meet your promises.
When you take off your rose-colored glasses today, you may be taken aback by what you see. Of course you want to see the best in your partner or love interest, but a truth may suddenly arise now that makes you reconsider things.
Don’t make any drastic changes, just consider your options. What needs to happen next may be more obvious than you expect.
Making tangible, positive progress in your romantic world is more than possible at this time, but it’s important to acknowledge the lessons of love you’ve learned so far and continue to learn.
Even if something or someone hurt your heart along the way, you’re in a better place to take careful, measured steps to feel more fulfilled. You could also see evidence soon of what any uncertainty or upsets were in aid of.