The Mars-Jupiter trine aspect occurring today increases your confidence for making improvements, dear Libra. Your good cheer and optimism can help strengthen close relationships.
Activities with a partner can be satisfying, or pairing up can be particularly productive. Also today, you’re beginning a cycle, lasting until mid-November, that brings warm, encouraging energy to your relationships with classmates or siblings, communications, and studies.
Learning new things and pursuing personal interests make you happy and can even be healing at this time. This influence enhances your ability to communicate with compassion and effectiveness, as well as to listen and intuit what others may need.
You are taking more interest in others’ lives. You might express your affection by teaching, mentoring, and otherwise supporting others, particularly with knowledge and advice.
An interesting turn of events might bring you into contact with an old schoolmate or someone you were close with at a former job.
Any coincidence today sets your mind to wondering about synchronicity, karma, or maybe even fate.
It requires prescience to successfully connect all the dots, but once a picture takes shape it’s hard to believe that all those pieces have come together purely by chance. It’s easy to speculate that there’s an otherworldly wisdom at play. Spirit works in mysterious ways.
The Moon’s first visit to Libra for the year is always a valuable chance to get your bearings, with the Moon able to amplify your inner voice and sharpen your sixth sense.
This is also a valuable chance to regroup, especially after what has been a fairly intense but exciting week.
The Moon’s opposition with Mars in your relationship sector might create some relationship tension, but the timing couldn’t be better. Mars is aligned with impressive communication support, turning this into an opportunity for a breakthrough.
Today’s Quote: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
Lucky Numbers: 7, 8, 16, 17, 45, 48
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good