You may want to focus on how your love life affects your work life while the Full Moon Eclipse lands in your 10th House of Career today.

Additionally, with retrograde Mars coloring the cosmic canvas, you’re ready and willing to follow the shifts that can lead to a total transformation in your romantic world.

Having trust in the big picture gives you confidence to pursue what you know will make you happy in your heart, in your body and in your soul.

Although today’s Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse highlights change on the career front, Venus exerts a delightful influence on your day-to-day routines, and your workplace could provide a perfect setting to find love if you’re looking for it.

The same can be said about health-related environments, such as fitness centers, gyms, yoga classes or even a doctor’s or dentist’s waiting room!

If you can be less fussy about the essential boxes a potential partner must tick, you could find The One!

The Full Moon is in Aquarius and in your 10th house today, this is bringing the focus on the public and external aspect of your relationship.

Is the image that you present to the world of your romantic partnership an accurate portrayal of the reality of it? We are so conditioned to hide the “negative” or harder parts of our lives, including our relationships from the outside world.

However, there can be something incredible cathartic and healing when we are honest with the world about the things we are going through in our intimate connections.

This provides you and others with the ability to relate to one another and offer each other possible helpful input on what your’e experiencing.

Also, in regard to the more positive parts of your romantic partnerships, when you have a beautiful relationship with your lover, allowing others to experience that is an inspiration of what healthy partnerships can look like.

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