Something is happening in your love life to put you on notice that big changes are just around the corner.
Even if what’s going down with a lover is a major shift in your life, you trust that you’re moving your connection in a smart direction.
You’re not going to question your intuition, nor are you going to shy away from the passionate potential you can see unfolding in your world. Romance is bold right now, just the way you want it to be.
Partners may be difficult to understand now, so if you have a delicate subject that needs to be discussed, and aren’t quite sure how to go about it, it may be better not even to attempt it right now and it is probably a good idea to focus on other things in the meantime.
You have doubts about the correctness of your own positions. Be patient with others and try to compromise. Do not reject invitations from friends even if you are tired.
Although you may be tempted to do something drastic, chances are that you will adopt a reasonable approach and make changes gradually. If you are behind the wheel, be careful and do not exceed the speed limit.
You feel tense now because of your inability to handle the amount of information that you need to effectuate your ideas and plans.
Analyzing the behavior of the people who oppose you and your own too will only bring you benefits. Actualize postponed meetings and contacts with people who are pleasant to be with.
You might be your best grounding influence with matters of the heart at this time. Whatever needs a healthy dose of realism or pragmatism applied to it is best coming from within you.
It’s by looking deep within yourself that you can draw upon experience-based wisdom begging to be applied to your current love life circumstances.
You don’t need to push any romantic or relationship dreams to one side while you indulge in this introspection, either – as you’re about to see.