Do you feel like you and your partner have a sense of friendship within your relationship?
It’s important that you have that be a foundation for your connection. The Moon is in Pisces and in your 11th house and it is asking you to reflect on that.
So often that is what forms the basis of a healthy and long lasting relationship as it deeply matters that you have mental resonance with your lover as well as an emotional one.
Ask yourself how you can develop more of that within your relationship.
Maybe it would be helpful to find activities that both you and your partner are interested in and go do them together!
Chances of a fateful encounter grow if you don’t stay in one place but travel and meet new people.
Deal with old family problems that are not subject to a new postponement. You do have a tendency to hide your real emotions, but soon you will feel like saying it like it is.
You might need to be extra patient with anyone who is trying to push your buttons. You will need to make important decisions about your future plans.
Someone will surprise you with news of a happy event related to your personal life. You will be required to travel.
Think clearly instead of acting haphazardly. The more you can expand all aspects of your mental, emotional, and physical life, the better.
You might wonder how some unexpected tension has found its way into your emotional world or a love relationship, but your patience and confidence can help you deal with any out-of-the-blue development.
Remaining calm in the face of friction helps you move forward armed with clarity instead of confusion.
Seeing an opportunity concealed within a romantic or relationship challenge can also help you rise above any stress or strain with ease.