Keeping a tightly-held secret from pouring out of your heart onto your lover’s eager ears will be irresistible today.
This is a tricky moment, but one that will lead you to a possible revelation all in due time. Don’t rush this moment in your love relationship.
Your truth will come into the light when it’s time. For now, focus on other aspects of your romantic connection to deflect attention away from your impulsive need to over-share.
If your personal life has been marked by difficulties or unpleasant situations, then you can now breathe freely and begin to feel the warmer climate in your family and love relationships.
Planetary energy now may be a decisive factor in the way you perceive situations, so don’t make any judgments at this time, rather wait a while until you can make a more informed decision.
The planets are radiating an energy that is bringing you into the limelight more than ever. Meet the demands of your close ones and be calm if you do not like something.
Evaluate not only your feelings but also your behavior. Organize an active holiday, a trip, related to sports, hiking in the mountains or cultural entertainment.
You will be pleased with news of upcoming happy events. With the current celestial energy at play, a major step may well bring you nearer to your goals or plans. Finish what is long overdue and meet your promises.
Something said or promised impulsively could give you or your sweetheart plenty to consider or reconsider later.
It’s also possible you’re setting very high expectations regarding your wants and needs and are oblivious to imbalance this creates.
A matter might exist surrounding who’s going to unnecessary lengths to please or placate the other and a promise made could end up being difficult to keep.