The Moon remains in Cancer and in your 3rd house today, and it is also squaring Uranus in your 12th house.

This planetary configuration is highlighting that in order to have healthy communication between you and your partner, it is necessary that you address and express the things that you generally tend to hide or keep to yourself.

It is not possible to have transparency, honesty and therefore trust in an intimate partnership if you’re not willing to share all parts of yourselves.

True intimacy is built on feeling that we can share our deepest and darkest secrets with one another without fear of judgment or disconnection.

Today is a great say to practice sharing more of what makes you uncomfortable with your lover.

From the inside out, you feel the pull to break all stagnation in your love life, however, you may be impulsive about how you go about this monumental mission right now.

Despite the clarity you now think you feel about matters of the heart that came as a bonus from yesterday’s eclipse, you’re getting stuck thinking about the destination instead of the romantic journey itself.

A new passionate path is in front of you and it is up to you to be bold and just go, go, go!

In relationships, you will become more serious and responsible, and this will help you strengthen your love or marital union.

Fate requires your obedience and patience if you want to finish the job. The energy emanating from the planets puts you in touch with your feelings.

Correctness in relations with people around you will keep you out of trouble and you’ll gain more of their trust.

You will be entirely in the hands of your striving for a new beginning amid this cycle. You want to achieve your goals, but you will constantly meet the stubbornness of people around you.

Evaluating the behavior of others and your own will protect you from mistakes. The more you can expand all aspects of your mental, emotional, and physical life, the better.

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