Before you make a promise to the one you love today, make sure you can keep it.

You say you want to nurture your sweetheart but your attention, energy, time and responsibilities are all overextended at this moment.

Still, your romantic confidence remains high and you may be tempted to offer yourself up without really being prepared for what that means.

Doing your love relationship some good might actually come to saying no instead of saying yes at this moment. Consider your motives and be honest about what you can and cannot do right now.

Be willing to roll with the changes in your emotional world or love life now, even if you experience moments of doubt or confusion about your passionate goals.

What’s vague or uncertain will become clearer soon, but it’s important you embrace any love life shifts with grace and lightheartedness at this time. A positive attitude can make anything that feels shaky so much more manageable.

Does your romantic partnership provide your life with meaningfulness? Does it connect you spiritually to something bigger than you, something that you believe in?

These are good questions to reflect on today as the Moon is in Capricorn and in your 9th house. It’s so beautiful when you feel that your connection with your partner goes beyond just a physical, emotional or even mental level.

Having that sense of sacredness be a part of your partnership allows it to fulfill you on so many more levels.

It is good to make sure that those you decide to commit yourself to, have similar beliefs as yours.

This is not to say that you need to have identical life philosophies or agree on everything, but it definitely makes a relationship more meaningful and likely to last longer when you are able to create a life with your partner that is built on your fundamental beliefs.

Also, reflect on how you can broaden your perspectives through opening your mind up to different philosophies offered by your partner.

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