If a love situation isn’t bringing you pleasure, it isn’t worthy of a place in your life. Venus’ retrograde has had you thinking about what you need to be truly happy in a relationship, and as she turns direct today, you’re ready to get the love you know you deserve.

An optimistic outlook and a playful attitude could attract a lot of attention your way, so don’t get so serious about reaching a romantic goal that you forget to enjoy the ride.

If you’re happily partnered up, be extra expressive to your loved one today and spend time just laughing and having fun together. Remember that your lover is also one of your best friends.

You could feel ready to explore unusual, uncharted romantic or relationship territory now. Maybe a desire for adventure fuels this need?

Someone you may have considered to be out of your league previously could turn their head your direction – or more. An unexpected turn of events can add drama to matters of the heart now – and in all the right ways!

Do you feel it comes naturally to you to remain in touch with the fun and pleasurable parts of your romantic relationships? This is a good question to ask yourself today as the Moon is in Virgo and your 5th house of romance. It is so common that people experience so much more fun, closeness and pleasure at the beginning of a relationship and for all of that to eventually begin to fizzle out.

Part of that is a natural part of the way things in life progress. New things tend to be more exciting and stimulating, but there’s also a big part of it that is your responsibility. Ask yourself what you can do with your partner that can help spark that playful spirit within you.

This is a great time to plan something together that you experience as fun and romantic. Also, how can you allow your creativity to come into play in your relationships and at the same time let that connection be something that inspires you in other areas of your life?

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